This vibrant, refreshing bisque is a sip of spring. The natural sweetness of the garlic combined with rich cream is a perfect complement to a glass of Jordan Chardonnay.



On low heat, cook onions and green garlic bottoms in saucepan with salt until soft. Add the cream to the pan and gently warm, then add the green garlic tops. Transfer the mixture to a blender and blend on high until smooth. Strain through a chinois sieve into a bowl. Adjust seasoning as preferred. Then, chill the soup until cold.

Chill four serving bowls. In the bottom of each bowl add crème fraîche in a small pile. Top the crème fraîche with caviar, then sprinkle the almonds around the caviar. Pour the chilled soup around the caviar. Eat immediately and enjoy with a glass of Jordan Chardonnay.