Welcome to our Winery Loyalty Program

Membership is complimentary for our winery loyalty program and automatic when you join our mailing list. You’ll receive 3,000 bonus points for signing up, and continue to earn three points per dollar for all purchases made—either in person at our winery in Healdsburg, by phone or online. To experience a reward, you simply use your points and pay a redemption fee. The higher the membership level, the lower the cost to redeem a reward. Once your purchases total $500, you will become a Silver level member and gain access to rewards experiences. All members receive shipping discounts and bonus points on special product offers throughout the year, with Platinum members receiving the biggest perks.

Our Reward Types


Private Tables

Indulge in memorable food and wine pairing experiences at your own private table, from tastings and lunches to formal dinners.

Seasonal Lunches

Enjoy the beautiful wine country weather throughout summer and into fall with our series of seasonal winery lunches.

long outdoor table set for gala dinner

Culinary Events

Savor the gracious hospitality and picturesque setting at one of Jordan’s food-centric events.

Jordan Winery guest suite bathroom with black and white tub
Chateau Guest Suite bedroom with hanging chandelier

Overnight Stays

Experience the heights of Jordan hospitality with an overnight stay in our opulent winery accommodations, including guest suites and a guesthouse.

white sprinter van driving through vineyards and open space estate

Tours & Tastings

Explore our array of wine tasting experiences in Healdsburg featuring hilltop tastings, guided estate tours and more.

jordan cabernet and chardonnay bottles in front of laptop for virtual tasting

Special Offers

Enjoy exclusive perks offered to members for a limited time, such as complimentary virtual tastings and shipping perks.